The couple — who take their turn as talk show hosts starting today — took the test to prove how well they know each other after 10 years of marriage.
Jon Premosch / BuzzFeed
Nicole Ari Parker has been in the pop culture vernacular for years — ever heard of Boogie Nights or Soul Food? — and her husband of over a decade you know from Love & Basketball, Undercovers, and most recently as the other Phil Miller on Last Man on Earth. Get ready to see these two faces even more: Today they launch The Boris And Nicole Show, a talk show the two will co-host together. And while it might already be the show hosted by the most attractive couple ever, we thought we should put the pair to the test. Let's see how they did.
What is Nicole’s favorite song to sing in the car?
Jon Premosch / BuzzFeed
Boris: Did we win?
Nicole: Oh, Gregory Porter!
Boris: Yeah, you forgot that you like it better [than]...
Nicole: "Maybe far away..." "It's a hard-knock life for us..." I'll do the medley!